Westgarthtown & WWI







Juxtaposing the treatment of citizens of German descent living in Westgarthtown with the experiences of their relatives who were fighting and dying for Australia during World War 1, Westgarthtown & WWI is a moving documentary presented by the Friends of Westgarthtown.

Almost 70 descendants of the German settlers of Westgarthtown fought on all battlefronts; some being decorated, others losing their lives, whilst others returned to Australia carrying a heavy burden. Back at Westgarthtown, their relatives were viewed by their neighbours with suspicion. Instead of seeing fellow citizens some saw the enemy. It is an issue that resonates in Australia today.

Westgarthtown & WW1 is based on the research paper Gumleaf Germans — Westgarthtown during WW1 written by our historian Robert Wuchatsch. It contains detailed stories of the families who lived at Westgarthtown during the war and each of the soldiers who fought overseas. It is presented here in two parts:

This project was funded under the Australian Government’s ANZAC Centenary Local Grants Program.